Adding End-User (Customer) to Plant for Monitoring Access

This guide will walk installers through the steps of adding a customer account to a plant. 


If you used to have an account with our 1G platform, please view this article on how to migrate your account.  



    1. Navigate to  


  • Please note that you MUST log in with the installer account that created the plant. All other accounts, including tech support will not be able to do so. [Text Wrapping Break] 

    2. Select the Plant. 

  • For this step, you will select the plant's name that you are trying to add a user too. [Text Wrapping Break] 

    3. Navigate to the Plant Info tab. 




    4. Edit the Plant Correlation Details. 




    5. Select the option below highlighted below. 



    6. Enter the clients information.  


  • Please note that you are unable to set passwords for the client, the default password is: 123456.  




Once you have completed the following steps, an automated email will be sent to the address listed providing them with the username and password. 



Victor is the author of this solution article.

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