This article is a guide for how to replace a Solis Data Logger on an existing system: one that has already been created in SolisCloud. This process can also be used to move a Solis Data Logger from one site to another.
- Start by pulling up the site on SolisCloud - tap "Plant" in the bottom left corner and then find the desired site in the displayed list of plants
- Tap on the plant, then tap "Device" towards the top just to the right of "Overview"
- Tap "Datalogger" and then left-swipe the logger with your finger - you will see "Delete" in red to the right of the device
- Tap "Delete" and then tap "Delete" again when asked if you want to disassociate the datalogger
- "Deleted successfully" should appear - swipe down on the page to refresh it - the deleted datalogger should disappear from the device list as shown below
- The deleted datalogger can now be installed on a different site/inverter, if that was the intention
- A new datalogger can be installed at this site/on this inverter now that the old one has been removed
- Please follow the process for installing a new data logger: