Export/Import/Consumption Power Issues

The external energy meter + CTs must be installed correctly or else there will be problems with export/import/consumption power monitoring and control.

First, check the installation of the meter and CTs. The CTs must be installed on the conductors that connect the utility meter with the main service panel. This ensures the inverter is able to measure all power being imported and exported by the home. If the CTs are installed in any other place, there will be problems.

Zero Export

If the system is set up for zero export but it looks like sometimes it does export some power, this is completely normal. Whenever there is a change in load consumption, specifically a reduction in consumption when PV power is available and the battery is fully charged, there will be some export back to the grid for about 10 seconds. If the system happens to report data to SolisCloud during that window then it will show power being exported. However, this cannot be prevented as it has to do with the reaction time of the inverter. The reaction time cannot be sped up, and it is this 10 second reaction time that causes some power to be exported. 

The Unbalanced Output setting must always be turned ON whenever there is one inverter. If there are multiple inverters then the setting must always be turned OFF.

Michael is the author of this solution article.

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